AWS Service- Networks


Basic Networking: 

  • IP address 

2 types : 

 classful IPS and Classless IPs (ip 4) 

  1. Class full IPs:   

                                 8  8  8  8

  • class A  (1 - 126)      N H  H  H   10. 254 x 254 x 254 =  1 crore IPs 

                                 255 0 0 0

  • class B (128 - 191)    N N H  H    172.16. 254 x 254  = 64000

                                  255 255 0 0

  • class C (192 - 223)    N  N N H   192.168.1. 254 = 254 

                                  255 255 255 0 - inside machines -  (AWS) 


  • class D (224 - 239)   N N N N (research purpose) 

  • class E  (240 - 254)   N N N N 

N - network bit (constant)


H - host bit ( variable) 

If you are changing the constant even though it is in the same class, it is considered a different network - class B

  1. why 254

2^7 + 2^6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0

1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128 = 255 

  1. special numbers:

0 - a whole network

  1. public address and private address 

  1. limiting the IP address:

            Search online subnet calculator in google and define the IPs you want and configure the  

            the subnet in switch and machine level. 

  1. switch and router 

            switch - the same network to communicate with each other  

            router - different networks to communicate with each other 

  1. VLAN 

            dividing the switch is called VLAN

class less IP: 

  • class A - = 1 crore 

  • class B - 172     = 64000 = 1 crore 

  • class C = 1 crore

CIDR - classless interdomain routing

– Creating VPC:

  –  Virtual Private Cloud

  –  It chooses the entire IP address for your network or product

  – It allows only 5 VPC’s in the free tier  

– Creating Subnet:

     – Divides the VPC

     – for web subnets enable: Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address

– Creating Internet Gateway:

    – Not secure internet

– Creating Routetable:

    – Controls the internet service and share to a machine which needs internet

– Creating EC2 instance in WEB and DB server in Own VPC: 

– Launch web VPC server:

– Connect DB server using a web server in the same VPC:

– NAT GATEWAY(giving internet to private subnet):

  – Give temporary internet to IP’s which needed

  – create NAT gateway using web subnet then create a new Route table and add the Nat gateway 


      and associate the DB subnet


– Internet for DB Server:

– Endpoint:

  – Mainly for S3 access and some specific services

  – Not Full internet

– VPC Peering:

   – Connect two different VPC

Used in:

  – Same region

  – Across region

  – Different AWS account

  • Make sure that you are creating a different network. if we is having then the 

another region should have to avoid the same IP conflicts 

  • create peering connection in US region and add the India region VPC ID then accept the 

connectivity in India region 

  • go to the Route table and add the IP in web associated Route table subnet


– (US region)

– (India region)


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