AWS Service- Storage



  • EBS - Elastic Block Storage

  • EFS - Elastic File Storage

  • S3 - SImple storage service

  • Glacier - Archival storage

EBS - Elastic Block Storage:

- It is a type of block storage 

- It can be attached only to a single instance in a single-zone


- OS volume - application critical data

EFS - Elastic File storage: 

-It is a type of Network shared storage 

-NFS principle

-common software, logs, company data

-It can be accessed only in a single region.

S3 - simple storage service: 

-It is a type of Object storage 

-It requires internet 

-commercial files (photo, videos, blogs)

Glacier - Archival storage: 

compressed data and storing in the tape drive 

  • company’s old data for auditing purpose

– Creating extra storage:

Practical Steps:

lsblk (list block)

mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf (create ext4 file system) 

mkdir /java (crate a fold to attach the new disk) 

mount /dev/xvdf /java (temporary mount) 

vi /etc/fstab (permanent mount entry) 

/dev/xvdf    /java  ext4  defaults 0 0

— Temporary mounting:

– Permanent mounting:

 EBS volume types 

  • general-purpose (cheap and best SSD HD) 

  • provisioned IOPS ( power and good performance SS HD) 

  • throughput optimized (HDD) 

  • cold HDD 

  • magnetic 

– Creating Snapshot:

  • Disk backup is a snapshot  

  • right-click the volume and create a snapshot

– EFS:

use to share storage across Zones.

– Practical Steps: 

create efs in ec2 console and make sure that we are adding a Security group with NFS protocol enabled: 


create 2 instances in 2 different zones and add the below software 

– Creating:

yum install -y amazon-efs-utils

mkdir /efs


mount -t efs -o tls fs-0d1126a3897c74703:/ /efs

cd /efs 

server 2:

mount -t efs -o tls fs-0d1126a3897c74703:/ /java

cd /java

permanent mounting :

vi /etc/fstab 

(man fstab)

0 - file system dump

0 - file system check 

fs-0d1126a3897c74703:/  /efs   efs defaults 0 0

–EFS Check (instance 1):

–EFS Check (instance 2):

— EFS permanent mount 


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