AWS Service- VPN


Types of VPN:

  • Open VPN 

  • Site to Site

  • Direct connect

– Open VPN:

– Practical Open VPN: 

  1. get open VPN from AWS marketplace 

  1. leave the default SG for the VPN OS build


  1. username: openvpnas 

Do you wish to log in to the Admin UI as "openvpn"?

> Press ENTER for default [yes]:no

– EC2 create:

– EC2 launch:

– OpenVPN console:

– DB server launch for VPN check:

– Private IP:

Elastic IP:

   – Give permanent IP for an instances

– Before Assigning:

– Elastic IP assign:

– After assigning:

Network Interface:

    – Additional network card, works if existing damaged

– Before attach:

– NIC attach

– After attach:

Flow log:

  • Like wire shark  - packet capturing tool 

  • vpc - flow log (direct)

  • subnet - flow log (direct)

  • Ec2 - got to ec2 n/w interface - flow log 

– Creating log group in cloud watch:

– Created flow log:



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